Android Snackbar Example

Android Snackbar is introduced by Android Material Design. Snackbar is light-weight widget to show messages. This section covers a little introduction to Android Snackbar.

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How to Implement Ripple Effect in Android

Ripple effect is compatible with device running lollipop (API 21) and above. In this section you are going to learn how to implement Ripple Effect in Android.

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How to Blur Image in Android

Image Blurring is a useful tool in Image Processing. You can highlight and focus the image using the blur effect. Android RenderScript helps you to do this. This example shows how to create image blur effect.

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Android Color Picker Library

There are many color picker libraries available today. Ambilwarna android color picker library is one of the best. This library is used in many apps. Here’s a simple example that describes how to use the Android Color Picker Library in your app.

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How to Handle Runtime Permissions In Android

In this example, You will learn how to handle the runtime permissions in Android.

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Android RatingBar Example

Rating bar is used to get the rating from the user. A user can simply touch and drag on the Rating bar to set rating value. Here you will see a simple example of Android RatingBar.

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How To Create Options Menu in Android

The Android menu provides some actions for the user. Such as settings, search, help etc. In this example you will learn how to create simple options menu in Android.

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