Hello Android developer, Android toolbar (formerly known as action bar) is an important android design element. It is used to provide better user interaction and experience. In this android toolbar example, , I’m going to cover how to handle toolbar logo and toolbar title click events as well.
Continue reading “Android Custom Action Bar – Action bar Logo and Title click events handling”Tag: android app development software
Touch and Drag to Erase Photo In Android
Photo editing is a popular tool in Android apps. After learning this lesson, you will be able to create a simple photo erasing tool for your app.
Continue reading “Touch and Drag to Erase Photo In Android”How to Get URI of Captured Photo
Hello Developer! In this section you will learn how to get URI of captured photo.
Continue reading “How to Get URI of Captured Photo”Share Intent For a Bitmap Without Saving a File
Hi Android Developer, When you don’t want to save the bitmap permanently to the user phone and just want to share it. I’m going to show you how you can export a bitmap without saving the file. Indeed, the bitmap will be saved in the cache directory.
Continue reading “Share Intent For a Bitmap Without Saving a File”Android Create Navigation Drawer Using Fragments
Hello Android Developer! Android Navigation Drawer is a UI component that provides a user-friendly interface for accessing different parts of the app. In this part, You will see how to create Android Navigation Drawer Using Fragments.
Continue reading “Android Create Navigation Drawer Using Fragments”How to set AdMob Banner In Navigation Drawer
Howdy Android Developer!
Nowadays, you may have seen many Android apps with navigation drawer. And why not? It is very useful Android UI that enables developers to provide many navigation options to their app users.
In this tutorial you will learn how to use AdMob Banner Ad with Navigation Drawer Activity.
Continue reading “How to set AdMob Banner In Navigation Drawer”How To Create Scrolling Text In Android
Hi Android developer!
You may have seen scrolling text somewhere in websites or apps.
Continue reading “How To Create Scrolling Text In Android”