Android Tutorial

1. Introduction13. Material Design
2. Android Studio14. Android Bars
3. File/Folder Structure15. Advance Fragments
4. Core Components16. Android Database
5. Android View17. Android Libraries
6. Toast In Android18. Advance Android
7. Intent/Filter19. Jetpack Components
8. RecyclerView20. App Architecture
9. Android Adapters21. App Monetization
10. Date and Time22. Examples
11. Other UI Component23. Projects
12. Animation In Android24. Tips & Tricks

Chapter 1: Introduction

Introduction to Android

Chapter 2: Android Studio

  1. Installation And Setup
  2. Android Virtual Device(AVD)
  3. Android Studio Tools
  4. Common Errors And Resolutions

Chapter 3: File/Folder Structure

  1. Android Studio Project folder Structure
  2. Introduction to Gradle and build.gradle files

Chapter 4: Core Components

  1. Activity In Android
  2. Android Fragments
    1. Introduction to Fragments
    2. Lifecycle of Android Fragments
    3. Working with Android Fragments
  3. Services In Android
    1. Android Service Example
  4. Android Broadcast Receiver
  5. Android Content Providers
    1. Create Own Content Provider

Chapter 5: Android View

  1. Common View
    1. TextView
    1. Button
    1. EditText
    1. ImageView
    1. ListView
    2. ScrollView
    3. CardView
    4. GridView
  2. Other View
  3. ViewGroup

Chapter 6: Toast In Android

Chapter 7: Intent/Filter

  1. How to Get URI of Captured Photo
  2. Share Intent For a Bitmap Without Saving a File

Chapter 8: RecyclerView

  1. Simple RecyclerView with Click Listener Example

Chapter 9: Android Adapters

Chapter 10: Date and Time

Chapter 11: Other UI Component

  1. Android Menu
  2. Spinner
  3. Alert Dialog
  4. Android Notification
  5. Switcher

Chapter 12: Animation In Android

Chapter 13: Material Design

  1. Create Material Design Style Spinner DropDown in android
  2. Android Snackbar Example

Chapter 14: Android Bars

  1. How to Create Android Custom Action Bar
  2. Android RatingBar Example

Chapter 15: Advance Fragments

Chapter 16: Android Database

Chapter 17: Android Libraries

  1. Android Image Loading Libraries
  2. Android Chart
  3. Other

Chapter 18: Advance Android

  1. JSON and Volley
  2. Storage
  3. Threading and Multithreading
  4. Dependency Injection
  5. Kotlin Coroutine

Chapter 19: Jetpack Components

Chapter 20: App Architecture

Chapter 21: App Monetization

  1. Ads Integration
  2. App Publish

Chapter 22: Examples

  1. How to Blur Image in Android
  2. How to Display Full Screen Loading Dialog
  3. Touch and Drag to Erase Photo In Android

Chapter 23: Projects

  1. Live Weather App

Chapter 24: Tips & Tricks